A Tarnished Court: Racism and Greed Prevail over Justice

William Michael Cunningham
3 min readJul 5, 2023

The recent Supreme Court decision curbing affirmative action in college admissions not only underscores the importance of ethics but also sheds light on a deeper problem rooted in racism, greed, and the insidious legacy of biased histories that masquerade as fairness. This ruling serves as a damning indictment of a court entrusted with upholding justice but instead reinforces systemic inequalities that plague our society, pushing us further away from equity.

At the core of this matter lies the corrosive influence of supremacy and prejudice, with this case using Asian Americans as pawns in an anti-Black narrative. Affirmative action was established to rectify historical injustices suffered by marginalized communities, particularly African Americans, who have long endured the consequences of discrimination and limited opportunities. By dismantling these programs, the Supreme Court sends a distressing message that the voices and struggles of these communities are inconsequential in the pursuit of the common good.

Moreover, the court’s decision highlights the overwhelming power of greed. The undisclosed luxury vacations accepted by Justices Thomas and Alito from wealthy conservative donors reveal a disturbing connection between economic privilege and the judiciary. Furthermore, the involvement of justices’ spouses as conduits for large sums of money, such as the $10 million received by the wife of the Chief Justice, $25,000 (and possibly much more) paid to Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (hidden as reimbursements to a nonprofit), and the lease agreement with a major fossil fuel producer benefiting Justice Alito’s wife, resemble nothing short of bribes intended to secure desired legal outcomes. This insidious collusion between moneyed interests and those responsible for interpreting the law erodes trust and seems to undermine the Court’s ability to render impartial decisions that serve the public good. It is an utterly shameful state of affairs, beneath the honor and dignity of the Court.

The entrenched disadvantages faced by historically marginalized communities have deep historical roots in the subjugation and exploitation of people of color. By curtailing affirmative action, the Supreme Court perpetuates a system that maintains the privileges of a few while sacrificing the well-being of the many. This decision entrenches existing power structures and hinders progress towards a more equitable society.

The inertia derived from maintaining the status quo also plays a significant role in this lamentable decision. The Court’s conservative majority’s relentless pursuit of overturning decades of jurisprudence in favor of regressive ideologies reveals a deeply troubling pattern. From reproductive rights to gun control and now race, the Court has become an instrument of stagnation, refusing to acknowledge the evolving needs and aspirations of a diverse society. This decision exemplifies their unwillingness to confront the deeply ingrained biases that continue to warp our educational institutions and fray the social fabric.

Ultimately, this decision exposes a Supreme Court that appears either incapable or unwilling to fulfill its fundamental mandate of ensuring “equal justice under law” for the American people. By disregarding the struggles of marginalized communities, indulging in undisclosed favors from wealthy donors, and upholding a biased and flawed status quo, the Court perpetuates a system that exacerbates racial disparities and deepens the wounds of an unequal society.

As citizens, we should demand accountability and transparency from our highest judicial body. We must question the motives of justices who fail to uphold the principles of equality and integrity. Only through sustained pressure and collective commitment can we dismantle systemic racism and eliminate the corrosive influence of greed. Without such efforts, we cannot hope to achieve a society that genuinely embodies justice for all. Recent decisions regarding reproductive freedom, affirmative action, and the Court’s failure to operate with integrity in a transparent manner serve as stark reminders of the work that lies ahead in our quest for a more perfect union.

